
Zinn Dog Training LLC

Dana Zinn, CPDT-KA

Offering Nose Work classes, private sessions, workshops, and webinars.


What is Nose Work?

Nose Work is one of the fastest growing dog sports in the country. Dogs are taught to use their innate and amazing talent of sniffing to find either food or target odors on cue.

In my opinion, there is nothing else like Nose Work. Dogs absolutely love the game and it creates a bond between the person and their dog in a way that nothing else does. Dogs gain confidence and joyfully practice hunting, while the handler learns to read their dog’s body language in a different way.

One of the great things about Nose Work is that you can do it anywhere with very minimal equipment. It’s a fantastic way to mentally challenge and fatigue your dog. Imagine those cold winter days where not much can be done outside and your dog looks at you with longing eyes for some kind of stimulation and fun. What to do? Practice nose work inside!

Any dog can do nose work! This is a game that dog-reactive and environmentally sensitive dogs can thrive in. Dogs work individually and never have to feel competitive with, or threatened by, another dog. It’s absolutely the best!

For more about the activity, visit

For more about the sport, visit NACSW